Parkside Baptist Church

Independent Baptist
1729 Gross Road
Mesquite, TX 75149
Parkside Baptist Church is a large church located in the Dallas area in Mesquite, TX. Our church was founded in 1980 and is Independent Baptist.
What to Expect at Parkside Baptist Church
Parkside Baptist Church offers 2 weekend worship services.
Dr. Mike Wells, Pastor
Service Times:
Sunday School 9:45am
Sunday Morning Service 10:45am
Sunday Evening Service 6:00pm
Wednesday 7:00pm
Service Details
- Formal and informal attire most common
- Traditional worship style
- Printed worship bulletin
- Altar call or invitation
- Interpretation for the Deaf
- Location: Starr County
- Parking: Private lot
- Wheelchair accessible: Yes
- Saturday evening service: No
- Multi-site church: No
- Primary language used: English
- Services also offered in: Spanish
Ministries and Programs
- Nursery
- Children's ministry
- Youth or teen ministry
- Christian school
- Adult education
- Christian bookstore
- Missions
- Counseling services
- Young adult ministry
- Men/women's ministry
- Choir
- Special needs
- Weekday preschool
- Community service
- Food pantry
- Singles ministry
- Senior adult ministry
- Prison ministry
- Weddings/receptions
- Funerals
Additional Info About Our Church
This church is a Baptist church by conviction and principle, not by affiliation. This means that we believe the basic Bible teachings for which Baptists have historically stood. As Baptists, we believe the following: the Bible is our sole authority for all matters of faith and practice. The church should be self-governing. The believer does not need a priest, other than Jesus Christ, to come boldly to God. Every Christian has equal access to God personally. God's Word gives us two ordinances for the church-baptism and the Lord's Supper. Each person is individually responsible for his decision to accept Christ. The separation of church and state is biblical. The believer is eternally secure and cannot lose salvation. There are two biblical offices in the church: pastor and deacons. For a more detailed account of these principles with supporting Scriptures please refer to our beliefs page on our website.
A church that cares about others
More than ever, Parkside Baptist Church is committed to reaching people with the Gospel of Christ. And as we move forward as a church family, teaching the Truths of the Word of God remain at the center of who we are as followers of Christ.