USA Churches

Help / FAQs

Use this page to find answers to some of the most common questions about USA Churches.

Q: What is USA Churches?
A: USA Churches is a free Christian resource jam-packed with the most useful information on churches in your local area. We are dedicated to helping you find the right church for you.

Q: How do I search for a church on USA Churches?
A: Go to USA Churches and begin by selecting a state. You will be given the option to browse our directory by location or search among all of the churches listed in a state. After conducting a search, you may narrow your search for a church by city, church size, worship style, and/or other keywords. Entering keywords as part of your search will result in a listing of churches that contain those words in their listing. Keywords may be anything, including a denomination, ZIP code, church name, or pastor's name.

Q: May I browse the entire directory of churches?
A: Yes, in addition to searching for a church by location, you may browse our church directory by church name, church size, and denomination.

Q: How do I add a new church listing to USA Churches?
A: Go to Add Church Listing and fill in the information about the church you wish to list in our directory. Upon submission, your church listing will be reviewed and added to the directory in a timely manner. Listing a church on USA Churches is completely free and will assist visititors in finding your church.

Q: How do I update an existing church listing on USA Churches?
A: Go to Update Listing and complete and submit the form to modify or update a church listing that currently exists in our directory.

Q: How often is USA Churches updated?
A: USA Churches receives many submissions for new church listings and updated listings on a daily basis. The church listings are reviewed daily in the order in which they are received. Our searchable church directory is updated several times weekly in an effort to maintain the most accurate and update-to-date church directory available anywhere.

Q: How do I add my church's picture to the listing on USA Churches to assist visitors in finding the church?
A: If you have a picture of your church building or meeting place saved as a computer image (for example, JPG), e-mail it as an attachment to and include your church's name and street address in your e-mail. Your church picture will be added to your church's listing in the directory in a timely manner.

Q: How do I learn more about a specific Christian denomination, association of churches, or organization?
A: With several hundred Christian denominations, associations, and organizations in the United States alone, sorting through all of them can be a difficult task. USA Churches has developed a Christian Denominations Directory to assist you. We provide detailed information on each Christian denomination, association of churches, and organization.

Q: Is USA Churches affiliated with a specific church organization or denomination?
A: USA Churches is an independent Christian service and we are not associated or sponsored by any specific church organization or denomination.

If you didn't see your question here, please contact us. Thank you for using USA Churches!