Prince Of Peace Lutheran Church

Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod
530 McNaughten Road
Columbus, OH 43213
Prince Of Peace Lutheran Church is a medium-sized church located in Columbus, OH. Our church was founded in 1977 and is associated with the Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod (LCMS).
What to Expect at Prince Of Peace Lutheran Church
Prince Of Peace Lutheran Church offers 2 weekend worship services.
Chris Eldridge, Pastor
Service Times:
Sunday Worship 8:00am
Sunday Bible Study and Sunday School 9:30am
Sunday Worship 10:30am
Service Details
- Informal or casual attire most common
- Blend of traditional and contemporary worship style
- Printed worship bulletin
- Communion
- Congregational readings
- Location: Franklin County
- Parking: Private lot
- Wheelchair accessible: Yes
- Saturday evening service: No
- Multi-site church: No
- Primary language used: English
Ministries and Programs
- Children's ministry
- Adult education
- Missions
- Counseling services
- Men/women's ministry
- Choir
- Food pantry
- Weddings/receptions
- Funerals
Additional Info About Our Church
Prince of Peace is a part of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod (LC-MS) denomination. As such, there are several teachings of the Lutheran Church that will be highlighted.
We believe that the Bible is God's Word.
We believe in the Triune God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).
We believe in sin, that all of humanity is corrupted by sin and that we cannot overcome our sin by ourselves.
We believe that this sin has destroyed the relationship between God and humanity that existed in the beginning and that God is at work restoring this relationship with humanity and creation (reconciliation).
We believe that God loves the world and desires that it be saved so He sent Jesus (John 3.16) and that through faith in Jesus, we are justified (declared not guilty of our sin) (Romans 3).
We believe that Jesus is 100% God and 100% (incarnation) and that through faith in Him, we receive life, forgiveness, and salvation (Romans 3, Galatians 2).
We believe in the grace and mercy of God that God has for everyone and that He wants us all to know of His love.
We believe that God works through means to bring us to faith and to sustain us in our faith (the Word, Baptism and Lord's Supper).
We believe in the Holy Spirit's work to bring a person to faith so we participate in mission work in getting the Gospel message into our homes, communities, and in the world.
Go ... and make disciples of all nations; Grow ... in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; Gather ... in supportive Christian fellowship; Give ... ourselves in service to God and one another; and, Glorify God ... in worship and all we do.
God is leading us to see Prince of Peace as a church that will embrace young and old from many peoples and nations, reaching out to them with the Word of Christ, serving them with the love of Christ, and welcoming them into the family of Christ.