Price Seventh-Day Adventist Church

Seventh-day Adventist Church
2821 UT-10
Price, UT 84501
Price Seventh-Day Adventist Church is a small church located in Price, UT. Our church was founded in x and is associated with the Seventh-day Adventist Church (Adventist).
What to Expect at Price Seventh-Day Adventist Church
Harold Rosales, Pastor
Service Times:
Saturday Bible Study 10:00am
Saturday Worship Service 11:00am
Service Details
- Informal or casual attire most common
- Traditional worship style
- Communion
- Location: Carbon County
- Parking: Private lot
- Wheelchair accessible: Yes
- Saturday evening service: No
- Multi-site church: No
- Primary language used: English
- Services also offered in: Spanish
Ministries and Programs
- Weekly small groups
- Community service
- Prison ministry
- Funerals
Additional Info About Our Church
Adventists believe a Trinity of three persons--the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit--make up one God. They made salvation possible when Jesus, the Son, came to earth as a baby in Bethlehem and lived a sinless life in accordance with the Father's will. When Jesus was crucified for the sins of the people of the world and arose from the dead on the third day, victory was won for everyone. God is not the kind of person His enemies have made Him out to be -- arbitrary, unforgiving and severe. Jesus said, "If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father." God is just as loving and trustworthy as His Son, just as willing to forgive and heal. Though infinite in majesty and power, our Creator is an equally gracious Person who values nothing higher than the freedom, dignity, and individuality of His intelligent creatures -- that their love, their faith, their willingness to listen and obey may be freely given. He even prefers to regard us not as servants but as friends.
This is the truth revealed through all the books of Scripture. This is the everlasting Good News that wins the trust and admiration of God's loyal children throughout the universe.