Point of Grace Ministries

Church of God (Cleveland, TN)
500 Commons Drive
Birmingham, AL 35209
Point of Grace Ministries is a large church located in Birmingham, AL. Our church was founded in x and is associated with the Church of God (Cleveland, TN) (COG).
What to Expect at Point of Grace Ministries
Pastor Pat and Catina Diggs
Service Times:
Sunday 9:00am
Sunday 10:30am
Wednesday LifeGroups 7:00pm
Service Details
- Informal or casual attire most common
- Contemporary worship style
- Printed worship bulletin
- Communion
- Altar call or invitation
- Location: Jefferson County
Ministries and Programs
- Children's ministry
- Youth or teen ministry
- Weekly small groups
- Young adult ministry
- Men/women's ministry
- Singles ministry
Additional Info About Our Church
Point of Grace is a unique church with an extraordinary vision. Pastor Pat and Catina Diggs and Point of Grace are compelled to reach a hurting world with the love of Jesus Christ. Having crossed denominational lines, our church is seeing racial barriers come down. Point of Grace is a multicultural church where a mosaic of diversity is united to create a masterpiece of God's design. It is our desire to lead a citywide restoration of its people, places, and purpose (Isaiah 61:4).
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For Further Information
- (205) 943-1190