Paynes Corners Christian Church

Non-Denominational / Independent
277 Warner Road
Hubbard, OH 44425
Paynes Corners Christian Church is a small church located in Hubbard, OH. Our church was founded in 1858 and is Non-Denominational / Independent.
What to Expect at Paynes Corners Christian Church
Stephen Linamen, Pastor
Service Times:
Sunday School 10:00am
Sunday Worship 11:00am
Wednesday Bible Study 7:00pm
Service Details
- Formal and informal attire most common
- Traditional worship style
- Printed worship bulletin
- Communion
- Congregational readings
- Location: Trumbull County
- Parking: Private lot
- Wheelchair accessible: Yes
- Saturday evening service: No
- Multi-site church: No
- Primary language used: English
Ministries and Programs
- Food pantry
- Weddings/receptions
- Funerals
Additional Info About Our Church
Our church is small, but filled with caring people. Our love draws us closer to God and to each other. We espouse traditional evangelical Christian doctrine while reaching out to the community.
Our mission is to function as a strong local church serving Brookfield, Ohio and surrounding communities.
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For Further Information
- (724) 342-0891