Parkway Church

Church of God (Cleveland, TN)
600 Edison Street
Salisbury, MD 21801
Parkway Church is a large church located in Salisbury, MD. Our church was founded in 1919 and is associated with the Church of God (Cleveland, TN) (COG).
What to Expect at Parkway Church
Parkway Church offers 2 weekend worship services.
Gregory Morris, Pastor
Service Times:
Sunday 9:00am
Sunday 11:00am
Service Details
- Formal and informal attire most common
- Contemporary worship style
- Communion
- Altar call or invitation
- Location: Wicomico County
- Parking: Private lot
- Saturday evening service: No
- Multi-site church: No
- Primary language used: English
- Services also offered in: Creole (Haitian)
Ministries and Programs
- Nursery
- Children's ministry
- Youth or teen ministry
- Weekly small groups
- Missions
- Young adult ministry
- Men/women's ministry
- Community service
- Food pantry
- Senior adult ministry
- Weddings/receptions
- Funerals
Additional Info About Our Church
We believe that the lost matter more! Jesus said, "Leave the ninety-nine and go and find the one lost sheep." His commission is clear to all Christ followers: "Make disciples of all nations" We will do everything better in heaven except win the lost. Our focus is not buildings or programs, but people. Jesus died for people, and they are our priority. We will continue to add sites, seats, and services to make it hard to go to hell from the Eastern Shore of Maryland.
We believe God has called His Church to be His hands and feet as well as His voice here on this planet. We are all called to be on mission locally and globally. We care for the lost, hurting, and poor wherever we find them.
We have a vision for more locations. More locations more lives changed. A multisite church.
Our purpose is simple - it is to impact the unchurched of the world for God, starting in our surrounding counties.