Medina Community Church

416 South Broadway Street
Medina, OH 44256
Medina Community Church is a medium-sized church located in Medina, OH. Our church is Christian.
What to Expect at Medina Community Church
Doug Davidson, Pastor
Service Times:
Sunday Morning Service 9:30am
Sunday Morning Service 11:00am
Service Details
- Formal and informal attire most common
- Contemporary worship style
- Printed worship bulletin
- Location: Medina County
Ministries and Programs
- Children's ministry
- Youth or teen ministry
- Weekly small groups
- Young adult ministry
- Men/women's ministry
- Singles ministry
Additional Info About Our Church
Medina Community Church exists to help people begin and grow in their relationship with God. Our relaxed, contemporary style provides an enjoyable atmosphere where you can investigate the claims of Christ, deepen your faith, and make some great friends along the way.
Sunday services are kind of like our front porch. This is the place where we come together in a relaxed setting to get to know each other as we seek to strengthen our faith. If you want to know more about Medina Community Church, we'll walk you through our home giving you a snapshot view of what we're all about. Once you feel more at home, more than likely you'll sense the need to connect. Hang out around the dinner table and you'll discover a family that loves well, a community that seeks to grow in faith We connect as we study the Bible in small groups and serve in areas of passion. When you walk into our family room you'll see children and teens having a lot of fun as they learn the scriptures in a relevant way. Our youth are not just the church of tommorrow, they are active servants today. We're a church family that loves getting outside to visit and serve our neighbors. Our doors are open to the homeless, a community orchestra, and numerous support groups.We believe that church is much more than Sunday services. We want to live it in a way that models the love of Jesus out in our community.
Thinking of visiting Medina Community Church? We know that finding the right church is important, but not easy. Sunday visits can easily become very itimidating because of all of the unknowns. Churches all have different styles, dress codes, length of service and welcoming rituals. We don't want you to be surprised, so check out our snapshot view to become more acquainted with what to expect on that first visit.
What Every Visitor Wants to Know:
We know that finding the right church for you is important but not easy. It can definitely be an intimidating experience because there are so many unknowns. That's why we want to walk with you when you walk through our doors.
Where is Medina Community Church? We are located at 416 South Broadway St., two blocks south of the square. When you turn into the church drive you will notice the church at the top of the hill. Our church, office, playground and parking area offer a very contemporary and spacious campus that serve all the ministry needs of our growing church family.
What time are the services? There are two identical services at 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m., each an hour in length. During both services we offer childcare and children classes so you can experience the service in a more relaxed, meaningful way.
What should I wear? Everything from jeans to casual work attire to sports coats, dresses and skirts is what we see, every Sunday.
Where will my children go? Your children can attend the worship service with you, especially on your first visit. But eventually they will want to go to a class geared to their age. We have a nursery, toddler class (Lil'K), and elementary ministry (Clubhouse @ 9:30 a.m. and Kidmo @ 11:00 a.m.) We also have an excellent Jr. High and High School Bible study during the 9:30 hour.
What are your services like? We are contemporary in our style with very relevant messages. A talented team of musicians and singers lead us in worship each week. Much of the worship music is guitar driven with a contemporary edge. We value the hymns as well, but usually they are in a newer arrangement. Words are up on the screen with colorful backgrounds. Before and after the service there is much greeting and interaction with other guests. We're a family that just likes getting together to honor the Lord and hear messages that relate to everyday life experiences.
Will you have me stand or do some other crazy hand shake or back flip during the visitor recognition time? Quick answer - NO. You are our guest and if you want to fly in and out quickly, that's o.k. with us. We promise to welcome guests without any embarrassment. When you need info, let us know. You can e-mail us or sign one of the guest registrations found in the bulletin. But it's in your time, when you genuinely want to know more about the church and its ministries.