Grandview Missionary Baptist Church

Baptist Missionary Association of America
3208 North Barnes Avenue
Springfield, MO 65803
Grandview Missionary Baptist Church is a medium-sized church located in Springfield, MO. Our church was founded in x and is associated with the Baptist Missionary Association of America (BMAA).
What to Expect at Grandview Missionary Baptist Church
Gary Longstaff, Pastor
Service Times:
Sunday School 10:00am-10:45am
Sunday Worship 10:45am-12:00pm
Sunday Evening 6:00pm
Wednesday AWANA 6:45pm-8:15pm
Service Details
- Formal and informal attire most common
- Traditional worship style
- Printed worship bulletin
- Altar call or invitation
- Interpretation for the Deaf
- Location: Greene County
Ministries and Programs
- Children's ministry
- Men/women's ministry
- Senior adult ministry
Additional Info About Our Church
We are an exciting growing congregation where people of all ages are welcome and comfortable in our services. "Grandview, A Home For Your Heart"