First Baptist Church of Marshallville

Southern Baptist Convention
33 North Main Street
Marshallville, OH 44645
First Baptist Church of Marshallville is a small church located in Marshallville, OH. Our church was founded in 1981 and is associated with the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC).
What to Expect at First Baptist Church of Marshallville
First Baptist Church of Marshallville offers 2 weekend worship services.
Pastor J. Johnson
Service Times:
Sunday Morning 11:00am
Sunday Evening 6:00pm
Wednesday Bible Study 6:00pm
Service Details
- Informal or casual attire most common
- Traditional worship style
- Altar call or invitation
- Location: Wayne County
- Parking: Private lot
- Wheelchair accessible: Yes
- Saturday evening service: No
- Multi-site church: No
- Primary language used: English
Ministries and Programs
- Information not available
Additional Info About Our Church
Over the past year we have been changing our focus, Pastor J is looking ot further the Kingdom in the most radical way he knows how, by reading the Bible! He was quoted once as saying in jest "Let's Make The Bible Great Again" of course his meaning is, let's get back to the Bible, let's see what God has to say about every aspect of life, let's shut up and do some listening. This new approach may sound familiar, but that is only because he has a limited vocabulary (that's a joke) but this new vision is bringing along with it a willingness to revisit everything our society, and Christians, think about church.
Why sit at the table, when we could be like Jesus and flip the tables! Why sit and wait for someone to stumble into our doors, when we can go meet them where they are, and do the most shocking thing of all...treat them like human beings!
We are a renewed church with an old Spirit, the Spirit of God, leading us into an unsure future where we will stop pretending we have life figured out and start embracing the cracks and scars that make us human. The most revolutionary thing Jesus did was not to point out the man was a crook or the woman was a prostitute, the most revolutionary thing was that He treated them like Human Beings, and told eveyone that they mattered. He looked the the child in the eyes when He spoke to them, He picked up the man who was down, He treated the woman like she was equal to the men. The most revolutional thing we can do as a church is to treat people like Human Beings, because we are aware that we are no different than they, we just found a Savior, and we're offering a hand to whomever needs it.
To save the lost and prepare and equip the saints to be ready in season and out to give a reason for the hope we have in Christ.