Calvary Lutheran Church

Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod
4400 Central Street
Sioux City, IA 51108
Calvary Lutheran Church is a medium-sized church located in Sioux City, IA. Our church was founded in x and is associated with the Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod (LCMS).
What to Expect at Calvary Lutheran Church
Calvary Lutheran Church offers 2 weekend worship services.
James Travis, Pastor
Trevor Freudenburg, Pastor
Service Times:
Sunday 8:00am
Sunday 10:30am
Wednesday 7:00pm
Service Details
- Formal and informal attire most common
- Traditional worship style
- Location: Woodbury County
- Parking: Private lot
- Wheelchair accessible: Yes
- Saturday evening service: No
- Multi-site church: No
- Primary language used: English
Ministries and Programs
- Children's ministry
- Youth or teen ministry
- Adult education
- Missions
- Men/women's ministry
- Community service
- Weddings/receptions
- Funerals
- Other ministries and programs: Bell Choir; Online Worship
Additional Info About Our Church
We hold the BIBLE to be the true and inspired word of God. We are a welcoming FAMILY of believers. We strive for GROWTH through Bible study, worship and prayer. We live in SERVICE to others within the church and surrounding community. We aspire to LOVE God and our neighbors.
Bringing Faith Hope and Strength to All of Christ's People
Calvary - Bringing Faith, Hope and Strength to all Christ's People. Ten simple words that are the basis for who we are and why we exist. Every institution, no matter how large or small, must have a reason for being, a reason for living. Here at Calvary, we have been given our mission, our reason for living, by our Lord Jesus Christ. In his Great Commission in Matthew 28, Jesus said, "Go and teach everything I have commanded and Baptize in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit." With this command he also promised to be with us as we carry out His mission for the Church.
purpose: Most important - remaining faithful to the teaching of the Scriptures as summarized by our confessions and catechism. Yearning for a filling with God's grace in worship and sacrament looking to experience joy in God's presence and to persist in prayer. Calling for children, youth and adults to be focused on the lifelong study of God's word for strength, upbuilding and the fulfillment of God's plan in our lives. Always looking for opportunities to witness to our Lord even as our forefathers who founded this congregation did. Looking for opportunities to use our leadership abilities as well as our time, talents and treasures with joy in service to others. Very earnestly looking to the needs of our community to serve with Christ's Gospel as our focus and the fulfillment of the communities need as our goal. Awareness of our history and tradition to build on that which is beneficial and to seek improvement in our methods of service. Renewing our love and care for each other in the fellowship of believers which Christ has established here. Yes, caring for the facility which God has blessed to our use that it may be used to renew us and to be a tool for out reach.