Bible Believers Fellowship

Non-Denominational / Independent
682 Plymouth Street
Worthington, OH 43085
Bible Believers Fellowship is a small church located in the Columbus area in Worthington, OH. Our church was founded in 2006 and is Non-Denominational / Independent.
What to Expect at Bible Believers Fellowship
Greg Miller, Pastor
Service Times:
Sunday School 10:00am
Sunday Service 11:00am
Wednesday Service 7:00pm
Service Details
- Informal or casual attire most common
- Traditional worship style
- Congregational readings
- Location: Franklin County
- Parking: Private lot
- Saturday evening service: No
- Multi-site church: No
- Primary language used: English
Ministries and Programs
- Radio ministry
Additional Info About Our Church
We hold informal but respectful gatherings of Bible believing Christians to fellowship each Sunday and Wednesday. We sing the old hymns, psalms and new songs but very little that would be considered "contemporary". We emphasize expository teaching with periodic topical studies using only the King James Bible. We are a small church family but open to all who come to Christ and want to learn His word.
We have prolonged fellowship after services for those who desire to remain and socialize. We also have special meetings for fellowship, movie nights, holiday gatherings, work parties, outreach ministry. We also offer live-stream and an extensive internet teaching ministry (audio and video).
We seek to fulfill the role of the Biblical local church. We preach the Gospel to the lost and then bring them into the Church for discipleship, fellowship and ministry.
We want to be faithful to the Biblical calling and vision given by God to His Church in His word. We would love to grow numerically, but our purpose is to facilitate personal growth in each individual believers' walk with the Lord Jesus Christ.
To preach the Gospel to lost souls and teach God's word to the saved until God calls us home.